Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Cold Weather is for Chicken Noodle Soup

It's freezing out. I'm not talking 30 or 40 degrees, I'm talking about in the teens during the day, single-digit temperatures at night. For those of you who know me, you know that this is literally my hell. I hate winter more than anything, but this cold weather is good for one thing: making delicious soup! And I decided on chicken noodle after making Alex some when she was sick.First things first, start off with a homemade broth. Nothing ruins a good soup faster than a canned, overly salted, overly processed broth. I have a quick and easy way to make broth that you can find here.

Grab a big pot. Put in about a tablespoon or two of extra virgin olive oil. Chop up carrots, celery and white onion (you can really add whatever veggies you like here!). Let the veggies sweat out in the pot until they're soft. Season them with salt, pepper and whatever herbs you like to taste.

I have a favorite herb salt that I use that has rosemary, garlic, sage and pepper in it

You'll be able to tell that the veggies are ready by the amazing smell that will come from them. When they're soft and delicious, pour in your broth and chicken. Bring it to a boil. **Make sure you taste it to make sure that it's seasoned properly**

Add your favorite noodles (I love Amish noodles!).

Let the soup simmer while the noodles cook. Finally, pour yourself a bowl and enjoy :)!

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